Thank you! Yes, exactly. Someone could like you but still decide not to enter a relationship with you because of their own issue. Personally, I like the idea of love and relationships but atm I don't even want to go on dates because I tend to get co-dependent and rely on my possible future partner too much. I know it's not healthy and that's why I don't even want to get to know new people.
You know, people who cannot commit, the players and fuckboys of this world often seem like they are really cool and don't "need" a relationship. However, most of them just don't want to commit because they are afraid that they are going to lose their freedom and independence.
People with a fearful-avoidant attachment style crave emotional intimacy and want to be in a relationship. At the same time though they are deeply mistrustful of others and afraid of abandonment and rejection. That makes it really difficult for them to open up to someone, even if they like them.
Attachment theory really is an interesting topic. It's also been covered in various Medium articles. Have a look if you want :)