I'm 21 and although I had a date with a girl when I was 16 (it was a date for me, I think she thought we were just gonna hang out), I'm still not completely sure what my sexuality is.
I think it can take a considerable amount of time until you figure your sexuality out. I've often thought that I am bisexual but I can't really see myself being in a relationship with a girl. Now this could be because I'm more into guys or because of internalised homophobia. One of these two :D
I've also found myself being attracted to girls when I was drunk, wanting to kiss them, as though this was the only time I would allow myself to have these feelings.
I didn't know you were 22! Didn't you say in one of your videos that you are 25? I'm holding so much respect for you that you are working full-time and doing Medium so successfully!