Do You Hate The Content Creating Advice You Are Given?

Maybe you are asking the wrong people.

Julia Appa
3 min readJan 20, 2022
Image via freepik

We all seek a little advice every now and then. There’s no shame in admitting that.

And while there really is no such thing as a right or wrong opinion — since all of our opinions stem from personal experiences — sometimes we hear something we don’t wanna hear when we ask a loved one for advice.

“Should I start my own blog?”
“Oh, I don’t know, honey. Blogging seems a little unstable, doesn’t it? And there are so many people who are doing it already.”

“Do you think I could make money from writing?”
“I don’t know. Writing seems to be a dead field. Why don’t you try to go into teaching? Do something that has a future.”

This wasn’t something I wanted to hear and I bet, neither did you.

What this goes on to show is that we pretty much have our heads up our own asses.

What do I mean by that?

When we ask someone for advice, it’s because we don’t know how to act or how to deal with a certain situation. In theory. However, if we get upset about someone’s advice, this is pretty much an indicator that we had somewhat of an idea. An idea we wanted to be validated.



Julia Appa

Just a 23-year-old who’s obsessed with writing. Instagram: juliaminus_romeo